Xenia - Service Dogs



Today was our free day. "Free at last! Free at last! Freeeee attttt laaaaaast!" Alan and some other members believe it is too heavy of a subject to compare our free day to the civil rights movement, but here we are.


No getting up at 7am for us today, WOOOO! We all slept in late in our warm, comfy beds and after a quick breakfast we made our way to tHe bIg cItAy aka Cincinatti (slash Newport).  We got lost along the way, but eventually we made it -- just in time to grab some Skyline Chili for lunch, nom nom nom.  Half the group split but the other (better) half enjoyed some chili-spaghetti-cheesey goodness.  Why yes, yes we did wear bibs and yes, yes we did have the best waittress ever.  After lunch, we met back up and went to Graeter's for the best ice cream in Cincinatti.


After our bellies were more than satisfied and after we finished mosying around downtown, we finally headed to Newport Aquarium!!! There we met Sweetpea the shark-ray (her birthday is coming up!!! Start thinking of a gift to buy now...) and Mike the 800 lb, 14ft long alligator, which were Rachel's favorite.  Stephanie got some nectar to feed the lorikeets and they repaid her kindness by pooping on her face.  Bridget and Karlee were enamored with the puffer fish and the long-horned cow box fish "that had perfect hexagons!".  Jordan enjoyed the piranhas.  Kayla witnessed garden eels fighting!!!  But she particularly enjoyed the fluidic movements of the jellyfish--which were certainly a crowd favorite.  Casey liked watching the people as much as she liked watching the fish.  She also liked reading about oar-fish—look them up. #monsters P.S. Alan was as tall as the hammerhead shark #cool 


Our group was super resourceful and gathered information about good eats from the local Kentuckians and Ohioans.  This led us to an authentic Indian restaurant in Clifton, Ohio for our dinner. Major nomz. Mainly rosewater and samosas. Next we hit up hipster row to pick up some discounted Muk-Luks straight from Afghanistan.  We also checked out a spiritual gift shop of sorts where Alan splurged and bought a bumper sticker for $2.50. WOW.  We hit the road once again and traveled on back to our pseudo home of Xenia, OH.  Jammin' to the best the 90's had to offer.


We are looking forward to heading back to 4 Paws!

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