Felton, MN - Children and Health

"So, what are you doing up here?"

1. Welp, the Red River has officially flooded. And the Buffalo River has been spilling its waters for the last couple days. It has been all sorts of wet and mushy, but don't worry, the snow is still here.

2. Michelle overcame her fear of horses today. Well, miniature ones at least. While the rest of us were grooming the much larger horses, Michelle groomed the Miniature Gelding named Tinker. We were kind enough to wait until after she finished to mention that Tinker is a bit of a biter.

3. We discovered the the intimate desires of each other's hearts: dream job, type of guy (or girl for the 2 odd balls out), views on marriage, middle names, and number of kids we want. Needless to say, there was a lot of bonding… And we have all decided that we will be married at the end of the week, lucky guys. 

4.  A PEDA debate. We were educated on the treatment of animals and the process of providing comfort in their slaughter, specifically with cows. Interesting topic for all of us uneducated city kids… We concluded by going to the local grill to indulge in some tasty cheeseburgers, where we were watched like ants with a magnifying glass. Apparently outsiders don't show up very often to the only eatery in town. After a prolonged period of staring, we befriended the fourth of the town that had come in for refreshments this evening.

5.  Saddle Oiling: Lather, wipe, repeat. We rubbed enough oil on each saddle to make the BP spill look minor… okay, maybe not, but we definitely didn't want to wipe our faces when we finished. But the leather is now moisturized and has no fear of cracking. Each of us can now name the parts of the saddle… at least a few of the parts.

6. Apple Picking. Again.

7. Shoving hay bales up a ladder. Sarah and Dani were asked to bring a couple bales down from the loft, but in the end, we only needed one of the bales. Since we got it down, it was our task to get it back up to the loft. Needless to say, it was far easier going down than coming back up.

8. The Hannah's were in charge of organizing, sorting, and condensing the mounds of paperwork that had overwhelmed Bette's office. The maze of papers, brochures, and wide variety of supplies that some how clutter every office was eventually sorted into an organized chaos that is actually functional. It helps when you can find the paper in order to file it.

9. Words Assassins has come to a heated climax. If you are clueless about this game, research it. It is a game of trickery and conniving… and lots of excited yelling.

Check in tomorrow for more updates

-The Best of the 216

1 comment:

  1. I bet the citizens of Felton thought they were invaded by martians from another civilization.
