Jacksonville, FL - Children

"Which was your favorite site today and why?"

"Mali Vai Washington because I found their mission and values aligned with my own! Hard work, discipline, and most importantly the want to succeed can help you rise out of any situation."

"My favorite was the Mali Vai Washington Youth Foundation because I am very impressed at all that the program does for those children and families in more impoverished areas. It is awesome that they allow the parents to come in to use the computers for job searches and how they involve them in the children's program."

"Sanctuary on 8th St, our site yesterday, has been my favorite. I feel that the Sanctuary very much so needed, and appreciated our work there. As a smaller organization, they lack a lot of material things, and manpower that larger ones easily receive, and we were happy to take on any task. They provide services that many places are not brave enough to take on, and I believe that their mission is one that is very special and vital to the Jacksonville community."

"Mali Vai Washington because of the family atmosphere they promote with two mandatory meetings and community service from the families who have their kids in the program. I love how they work with the local school. It's refreshing to see a community outreach program working with the local school to help the students, and families reach a common goal."

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