Breckenridge - Adaptive Sports (4)

We cannot believe that we just finished our second to last day of service! At this point in the trip, the principle that stands out most to us is "This is it." Every morning we walk into the BOEC not having any clue about how our days will go. Some days are spent having snow ball fights, some are filled with students who are reluctant to ski at all, while others are spent watching in awe at the talent of the improved students. The bottom line is that each day we have to give our all to the students we are working with, knowing that we only have this week to make a small impact on these student's lives.

Today, I (Bridget) had the pleasure to work with a little guy with a developmental disorder.  His communication skills were undeveloped for his age, but there was no doubt in my mind that he enjoyed every part of the day.  He loved to go fast down the mountain, and was never phased by a fall.  In fact, he actually enjoyed it and laughed harder than ever after each wipe-out.  I know this little guy had the time of his life, and being able to help make this day happen for him makes me feel pretty darn cool.

While not every student brings a day full of fun and laughs, that doesn't mean every day doesn't have an impact on all of us. We've learned so much from being able to work with so many different people. Today a nine-year-old told me (Maggie) that the only thing you can do in life is do your best. Working with cancer survivors earlier this week, taught us that literally nothing can hold you back from just having fun. Everything is a state of mind, and the kids this week have taught us that any situation can be positive if you decide its going to be.

On the eve of our last day, everyone is sad because we can't believe a week has already gone by. It's been the best experience (not an exaggeration). We feel so lucky that this is even considered a "service trip" because we've honestly had so much fun skiing with the BOEC. We're beyond ready to really apply "This is it" to our last day of service because if we don't live every moment to the fullest tomorrow, we are going to regret not putting our all into our last day.

XOXO BunkBedSistas
(Maggie and Bridget)

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