Charleston - Chidren with Special Needs

Dear friends and family of Charleston ASB,

After an action packed day, we got the opportunity to meet with an awesome group of students from the College of Charleston who recently started a Special Olympics organization in their college. We sat in on one of their meetings and then just talked to them about all of their amazing activities are, which has inspired us to bring back some of those ideas to Mizzou! We are really excited to start an official Special Olympics Mizzou club where we can work with the state and local games and activities, sponsor field games, host fundraisers for SO and start a Best Buds program. The Best Buds program in Charleston, we found out, is a huge program where many students on campus are paired with a buddy with a special need and simply hangs out with them! It's has really helped to integrate the special needs community in Charleston with the rest of the community, and we really want to see this happen in Columbia. Finally, the students told us about REACH, a university program gives students with intellectual disabilities an opportunity to attend college. While it is a federally funded grant and something that only the College of Charleston and one other college have, it would be awesome to advocate at Mizzou and see our university be at the forefront.

Keep checking in with te BEST ASB blog!

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