(Twin Cities)On the Move: Mall of America, New Home and a Trip to the Shore of Wisconsin

Written by Carly Love
After waking up rather cold, locking ourselves out of the bathroom and waking up Brett after he slept through his alarm, we got on the road for our first free day and headed to our first tourist destination in the Twin Cities: Mall of America.

Upon arriving, everybody grabbed a map at guest services; we definitely looked like the tourists as we unfolded our maps, compared store preferences and decided on a meeting time. We had the chance to disperse into groups and go explore but because we were all rather flabbergasted by the size we slowly approached the moving machines of Nickelodeon Universe as a group. Applaud by the people who would ride the log ride and get wet while at the mall, the group continued on to Lego Land where they eventually split up and explored.

Just about everybody made some kind of purchase, from shirts and dresses to books and sunglasses. For those who didn't, they definitely tried a few crazy things on. Sarah tried on a gorgeous metallic blue legging and matching bikini top. The outfit was, well, great for the early 90s.

Lisa and Adrianna rocked a few crazy headbands at Forever 21.

We grabbed lunch and shopped a little bit more before deciding to head back to Dunrovin for the day. The girls moved from the cozy cabin up to the homey house and then the majority of the group relaxed, napped or did homework.

Instead, Brett, Carly and Sarah grabbed some kayaks, oars and life jackets and headed out onto the St. Croix River. They encountered a little rough terrain because the river has been so high, but they kayaked across to Wisconsin. Brett brought back a rock from Wisconsin for the group, which now sits in the kitchen at the girls' house. We couldn't fit a block of cheese into the kayak. Mackenzie, who helped them push off and land, knew it was time to help bring them in because he could here Brett, Carly and Sarah singing "Just around the river bend," from Pocahontas as they were navigating their way back to shore. Surely, the people living within earshot were elated with joy from hearing the musical sounds of the Disney movie sung by three non-music major college students.

After Brett, Carly and Sarah returned from crossing the St. Croix River, they showed off the muscles that got them there and back.

For dinner, everybody gathered around the kitchen table for peanut butter, jelly, banana and raisin sandwiches. Yummy! After tackling through logistics for tomorrow and finishing up some paper work, we settled in the living room for game night.

Throughout Catch Phrase, Mackenzie continually got stuck with the hard-to-describe words and Julia would always get the disc just before time ran out. Apples To Apples started off rough with some awful card selections but got better as the game went on. When we thought the game was almost over, Adrianna began to make a comeback and eventually ended up winning. Everyone was glad to be done with game night; it was fun, but it had been a long day and everybody wanted to sleep.

Tomorrow we depart at 8:30 a.m. (as long as we find the keys to the van) for Breaking Free, the first organization we will be working with. After volunteering, there's rumor of making some s'mores over a bonfire and a game of capture the flag…hopefully these rumors turn into reality! Check back tomorrow night to find out if those s'mores make it to our stomachs.

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