New Orleans - Recovery

Hello All,
The New Orleans crew woke early this morning (7 AM) to pack lunches and prepare for the day. After a quick breakfast and safety demonstration, we headed to our site, housing complex for the elderly that is in need of minor exterior work and a lot of scraping and painting. We especially enjoyed working with our (Irish) team leader, Sean, who kept us in positive spirits with his jokes and colorful behavior. The neighborhood we worked in was in need of a lot of work (the home next door was so heavily damaged that it was abandoned,) so it was extremely gratifying to be able to see the physical difference our efforts had made by the end of the day. The disparity in this city is noteworthy to say the least, and there is still a lot of work that needs to be done.
After returning to our homebase for dinner and showers, a few of us decided to go for a run down St. Charles and walk around Tulane University - a truly beautiful neighborhood and school. We are fortunate enough to be staying in the garden district this week, and have enjoyed exploring the area.
Just got back from getting crepes, tired now... More tomorrow!
Wishing everyone all the best,
Kevin, Mandi, Claire, Kevin, Carolyn, Braydon, Robert, Katherine, Katie, Jamie, Becky, & Ashley.

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