New Orleans- Recovery

March 27, 2010
After months of planning and an arduous thirteen hour drive, we have finally arrived in New Orleans, LA! Though our limbs were quite stiff, we had a great time bonding and even had the chance to stop at Whataburger in Jackson, MS. We plan to stop at the state capitol on our return trip. The weather cooperated for the entire drive and we are excited to be in a warmer climate and start our volunteering.
Upon arrival at United Saints Recovery, we were given a tour of the "compound." The accomodations are nicer than expected, but the neighborhood does not appear to be fully recovered from the storm. We are excited to all be housed in an apartment together.
Settling in to watch a movie for the night.
'Til tomorrow!
Kevin, Mandi, Katie, Jamie, Katherine, Claire, Becky, Ashley, Carolyn, Braydon, Kevin, & Robert

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