Atlanta-Homelessness and Poverty

Well hello there! Glad you stopped by to check out what we did on our second day in HOTlanta! We started off sleepy eyed, and slightly confused about what to expect. Half of us would be going to a children's shelter and the other half would be assisting at a place called Cafe 458 and a local employment office called the EDGE. For the group that went to the childrens shelter, it was a fun filled day of reliving our childhoods! We were split between three different age groups: toddlers, infants, and Pre-K. We all made new friends, Max especially. Helena, who was a little nervous about the kid situation, was a natural! She did a great job reading books like "When Bath Time Comes," "My Terrific Tractor Book," and "Find the Duck!" Ever after all of this, Helena and I (Matt) even found time to learn what babies do best..."coo." Maddy, who worked with the pre-schoolers, practiced some awesome monkey climbing skills and even did a little anger management while teaching the kids caring is sharing....and it can be fun! Max and Alison were with the toddlers. Max was shunned at first by the army of little ones but made a great comeback by sacrificing his body as a human jungle gym. Alison must have done something to upset the order in place among the little people because at one point they were attacked, abducted, and thrown in little person prison. We all made it out alive and well though and can't wait to go back!

As for the other group, they were not so lucky as to be welcomed into the same loving environment as us. It turns out; Cafe 458 was more like Hell's kitchen run by Chef Ramsey himself. Apparently asking for a recipe is a big no no. Shrimp ruined, chicken burnt, pork chops more like burnt chops. However, the people arrived and the show went on, and much to the delight of the cooks, everyone thought the food was great! Laureen, however, was not so lucky...apparently the people here are not so fond of the Red sox and she was forced into social exile among the visitors until the ball cap was removed. Afterward, they went to the employment office, known as the EDGE. There, they were broken up into two groups. Laureen and Chris were in clothing and helped to sort out items and help others pick out a suitable wardrobe. They also met two wonderful older ladies who happened to be very open and honest about the clothing and how it looked on those trying it on...brutally honest. Cole and Stephen helped sort abandoned belongings with two other volunteers, Robert and Larry, who happened to go into explicit detail about their lady friends, past and present, and not so lady friends, past and present.

ALSO! BREAKING NEWS! Our last member arrived today! Brett, who had to come late, flew in about an hour ago to join the rest of us on our little Atlantian adventure. After picking him up, we found a Caribou Coffee, at which we are currently. Once our homework had been completed (the online stuff anyway) we headed back to the house and played an awesome game that Max taught us called "Bang." It's a game with wild west themes and characters and the purpose is to "bang" people until they die. This made for some great quotes as one can imagine. After our intense game we settled in for the night and prepared for another great day in the city of Atlanta.

Deuces from the ATL

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