Atlanta-Homelessness and Poverty

Today was our free day! We woke up (mostly chipper) and decided to take on the city of Hotlanta! Our first destination was the Georgia aquarium, where we were oo'ed and awe'd by beluga whales, whale shark feedings, a sting ray and hammerhead shark petting zoo, and even took a picture with Deepo the fish!

After leaving, we feasted on 1000 calorie cinnamon rolls, and parked our car in the middle of sketchville to check out Underground Atlanta. This place was pretty cool! There were kiosks of shops where we could take a picture holding an owl or coddling a parrot. There was even an As Seen on TV shop right across from the stage where two kids were doing a Michael Jackson tribute of their own. We even saw a white man! Literally...all white painted man with a guitar.

After leaving, several of our breakers decided to break the law and J-walk...where they were very loudly reprimanded by one of Hotlanta's finest boys in blue. We played in Olympic Park, where Cole got hit several times by water jets that surrounded the Olympic rings.

After, we had a chance to sit and relax for a bit, and Cole had enough time to ruin our chances of going to a nice restaurant where only dry diners were allowed, we decided it was time for dinner! We found an awesome burger place called Marlow's Tavern! Marlow and his tavern impressed us very much, and so did the fries.

After that, we thought what better way to end our night than with a Snickers Bar crunch cheesecake and a competitive game of Cranium! So here are now...writing this, beasting our dessert and about to Red Box a movie.

Deuces from the ATL!

Matt Sheppard
Summer Welcome 2008-2009
MU Tour Team
Relay For Life
Missouri Student's Association
(904) 303-1717

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