Moore--Disaster Relief

Day 3-


Today was our second day volunteering with ServeMoore. We encountered more amazing people, learned more skills, and grew even more excited for the rest of the week to come. Again, we split into two groups of six to complete separate projects.


One team continued their construction on the wheelchair ramp. They completed laying the floor of the ramp and then added handrails as well as spindles. While their patience (and math skills) were tested, the group’s spirit of perseverance won out against the wobbly beams, cold, and thorn bushes. They are so excited about the progress being made! By tomorrow, it will be finished! Our highlight of the day, however, was when the homeowner came outside in the morning when we were all freezing and made us coffee and hot chocolate. It was very much needed and so nice of him!


The other team received a new assignment to assist an elderly woman in packing up her home and moving to a new facility. It was a challenging environment, but it was equally as rewarding to be a part of her transition and meet such a sweet, new friend as this woman. Tomorrow, they will hopefully be able to move her into her new home and get her settled comfortably.


Tonight, it was breakfast for dinner to rejuvenate all of us after a day of hard work. There’s nothing like pancakes, sausage, and eggs to get you ready for another exciting task in the morning! We are all looking forward to completing our projects tomorrow and spending more time with the great people we have met on this trip (from Mizzou and Moore)!


Peace and blessin’s,


MAB Moore

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