Billings - Children (3)

Serving the last two days at the Head Start preschool has provided a transformative experience for our group so far. The first days of service there was filled with some shocking sights. The school nurse measured their heights and weights, and we were in disbelief when many children were far undernourished and therefore underweight for their 4 to 5 year old age group. One 4 year old weighed only 25 pounds. Other children didn't have the proper coats to keep them warm in the Billings, Montana weather. (It unexpectedly snowed last night.) One of the most impactful experiences for us was riding the buses with the kids after school and seeing where they were each dropped off. Some kids got off together to go to the same daycare until 9 o'clock at night. Some children returned to foster care homes. Others went to their own homes downtown that were next to two drunken men passed out on the side of the road. Just a glimpse of their home lives was at times difficult to take in, but we were glad to get a more complete view of the children's lives.

For how heart-wrenching some of the kids' stories are, the smiles and joy outweigh that a hundred times over. Our group discussed how the kids are able to communicate love to us so much more than we could ever to them. They remember each of our names and light up when we come back each day. They are especially fond of recess when they chase and then tackle the boys, often followed by someone yelling, "Dog pile!" Reading, arts and crafts, circle time, snack time, planting seeds, and fire safety are just some of the many activities we've done with the preschoolers throughout the days. It hasn't taken us long to make some new, young friends - and even be invited to their birthday parties.

Until next time,

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