COLORADO - Environment

The day has finally arrived! We'll be leaving for Slick Rock, CO, later this evening.

Our trip focuses around environmental work. Wild mustangs are over populated in the West and the land can't sustain the population. To make matters worse, a small plant called the tamarisk abounds. One plant can remove as much as 100 gallons of water from the soil each year, making it even more difficult for wildlife populations to survive.

While there, our group will be working to remove tamarisks, repair fences, and do trail work. We'll also have the opportunity to visit the Anasazi Cultural Center. The Anasazi were the ancestors of the modern Pueblo people. On our day of we hope to travel to Mesa Verde and see ancient cliff dwellings during our day off.

At least for me, the most exciting part of the trip will be working at a location called Cutthroat Castle with a guide named David Kill. I couldn't make it up if I tried.

See you in Colorado!


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